Depending on your age you may remember Cloth kits, popular in the 70's and 80's. My mum made me a strawberry-shortcake character cushion with one.Basically it's a pattern with a printed design on it and all you have to do is cut it out and sew it together and look like an expert!
Well, like all good trends they're making a comeback, and like all good comebacks, there are famous designers involved! Clothkits in the UK have partnered up with Rob Ryan, People Will Always Need plates and others...make your own dresses, skirts, cushions and toys for all ages here
Hello there, I just came across your lovely blog. Apart from saying Hi, i just wanted to let you know that you can buy Clothkits here in Australia in my web shop at
Allison x
Oh these are just great!! I leant to sew this way! Thanks
Wow, these are agreat. I would LOVE to see my illustrations on clothing just like this. Fab!
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